Thomas Sinclair
Thomas Sinclair is Ojibway from Couchiching First Nation. He grew up in Thunder Bay in the early 80s and was immersed in the beginning of the woodland art movement. He was taught woodland style by Isadore Wadow until the time of Isadore’s death in 1984.The rest fo childhood was spent at pow wows and sitting around campfires at night listening to Aadizookanan, the elders telling sacred stories, the tales of Nanaboozhoo.

Land Recognition

We recognize the traditional and ancestral lands of the Haldimand Treaty on which we have the privilege of gathering. To the Anishinaabeg, Haudenosaunee and Neutral First Nations, whose presence continues to enrich our communities both culturally and spiritually, thank you for your stewardship in helping us to foster an inclusive territory on which we live, work and play. May our presence today (and herein after) be one of unity and kinship, as we move forward in reconciling our history as a community and as a nation.